Hibiscus Tea

In 2010, a study was published ( Nutr. J. 2010;9:3 ) that compared the antioxidant content of 280 common beverages.

Hibiscus ranked number one, even beating antioxidant heavy weight like the green tea.

After consuming hibiscus tea, the antioxidant of your bloodstream shoots up in less than 2 hours.

After coming across this study, I went and learned how to prepare varieties of it including the one they cook with pineapple.
Such a lovely “wine”, especially when served cold


The plain hibiscus extract has a sour taste because of the presence of natural acids.

If you drink hibiscus, ensure that you rinse your mouth with water to avoid the softening and erosion of the enamel by these acids.

And if you intend to sip hibiscus slowly over time, use straw in order to bypass the teeth.

Do not brush your teeth for at least one hour after drinking hibiscus.

Hibiscus contains high levels of the mineral manganese, and to be on the same side, do not drink more that one liter per day

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