In 2010, a study was published ( Nutr. J. 2010;9:3 ) that compared the antioxidant content of 280 common beverages. Hibiscus ranked number one, even beating antioxidant heavy weight like the green tea. After consuming hibiscus tea, the antioxidant of your bloodstream shoots up in less than 2 hours. After coming across this study, I […]
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Diabetes is not a "sugar problem"; it is rather a metabolic disorder caused by the failure of the body's "biochemical system" that regulates the metabolism of sugar in the body.


Diabetes is not a "sugar problem"; it is rather a metabolic disorder caused by the failure of the body's "biochemical system" that regulates the metabolism of sugar in the body.
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Testosterone is a steroid hormone, made from cholesterol and primarily secreted by the testicles in males.Testosterone is a steroid hormone, made from cholesterol and primarily secreted by the testicles in males.Testosterone is a steroid hormone, made from cholesterol and primarily secreted by the testicles in males.Testosterone is a steroid hormone, made from cholesterol and primarily secreted by the testicles in males.


Testosterone is a steroid hormone, made from cholesterol and primarily secreted by the testicles in males.
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